North Korea has embarked on a series of commercial ventures with a multibillion-dollar business network that stretches from Hong Kong to Angola as it battles to survive international sanctions, according to foreign officials and court documents. 据法庭文件和外国官员透露,朝鲜已启动一系列商业项目以求挺过国际制裁,在此过程中依靠一个数十亿美元的商业网络,该网络的触角从香港一直延伸至安哥拉。
In Madrid, a commercial court judge sided with a taxi association complaint, saying that Uber must cease driving in Spain until a lawsuit contesting its right to operate can be heard. 在马德里,一名商事法庭法官支持出租车协会的控诉,称在一桩挑战Uber运营权的诉讼案件获得审理前,该公司必须停止在西班牙的运营。
A spokesperson for ABN Amro, which was acting as a counterparty bank for the trades, said the bank was not able to comment on commercial disputes that are currently before the court. 荷兰银行在上述交易中充当了对手银行。该行发言人表示,荷兰银行不能就目前已提交法庭的交易争端置评。
At the same time, a whole set of structures has developed to help resolve commercial disputes through arbitration and other means, to avoid the time, expense and potential embarrassment of launching high-profile court cases. 与此同时,一套完整的结构体系已经形成,有助于通过仲裁和其它方式解决商业纠纷,避免因提起引人注目的法庭诉讼而浪费的时间和金钱、以及可能遭遇的尴尬局面。
He added that Mr Wang denied the charge of stealing commercial secrets in court. 他补充表示,王勇在庭审中否认了侵犯商业秘密罪的指控。
Many of the commercial buildings in the villages of Scarsdale, such as Harwood Court ( shown above), feature an imitation Elizabethan half-timbered appearance. 许多商业大厦在Scarsdale,譬如Harwood法院(被显示以上),特点村庄一次仿制伊丽莎白女王的半木料半灰泥的出现。
In the London-based commercial court, as many as three-quarters of the cases involve at least one foreign party, while in half of all lawsuits both sides are from overseas. 在位于伦敦的商事法庭(commercialcourt),多达四分之三的案件涉及至少一个外方,而有一半案件原被告双方都来自国外。
The commercial secrets charges heard in a court closed even to diplomats, in contravention of international treaties protecting Mr Hu, an Australian appear least persuasive. 侵犯商业秘密的指控看上去是最不具说服力的审理该罪的庭审甚至不对外交官开放,违反了保护澳大利亚公民胡士泰的相关国际条约。
Article71if the commercial bank cannot pay the due debts, it will be declared bankrupt by the people's court in accordance with law and with the agreement of the people's Bank of china. 第七十一条商业银行不能支付到期债务,经中国人民银行同意,由人民法院依法宣告其破产。
Because we both have not registered in the industrial and commercial administrative departments, this case should have been in jurisdiction of the defendant's locus court. 由于我们双方合作机构没有在工商部门登记注册,根据最高人民法院《关于审理联营合同纠纷案件若干问题的解释》的规定,本案应由被告所在地法院管辖。
Procedural examination is a vital part of judicial investigation into international commercial arbitration ruling by the court. 程序审查是法院对国际商事仲裁裁决进行司法审查的重要内容。
As two important dispute settlement organizations for civil and commercial disputes, the arbitration organization and court are supportive and contrary to each other. 仲裁机构和法院作为解决民商事争议的两个最重要的机构,既存在着支持和协作关系,又存在着一定的对立关系。
Such features decide the possibilities and necessities of the judicial supervision on the commercial arbitrate by the court In comparison with other countries 'laws and UNCITRAL, there are still some insufficiencies in our laws. 与一些国家仲裁法以及联合国国际商事仲裁示范法相比,我国仲裁法尚有不足。
This paper studies comparatively the provisions of Chinese, British and other countries 'legislation and practice in the international commercial arbitration, and thinks that the court should help and protect the arbitration organization to make the arbitration procedure going smooth. 本文比较研究了中国、英国及其他国家的国际商事仲裁立法与实践,认为法院在国际商事仲裁进行的各个阶段给仲裁以协助是必要的。
Among these methods, the ideal is to establish an international commercial court specially entrusted to interpret CISG. 在这些解决办法中,最理想的是设立国际商事法院来专门解决公约的解释问题。
Section one briefly introduces four main forms of our ( international) commercial conciliation, that is, commercial conciliation in court, commercial conciliation in conciliation institution, commercial conciliation in arbitration institution and joint conciliation. 第一节简要介绍了我国(国际)商事调解的四种主要形式,即:法院的商事调解、调解机构的商事调解、仲裁机构的商事调解和联合调解。
Football "dark Whistle" has been regarded as commercial crime by our Supreme Court. 人们非常关注的足球黑哨问题,已被我国最高人民检察院确认为商业犯罪。
International Commercial Arbitration, an alternative to resolving disputes by courts, is characterized by its contractual and judicial nature, which makes it possible and necessary to review the system by the court. 作为司法外解决争议手段的国际商事仲裁兼具契约性和司法性的混合特质,从而使得法院对于这一制度进行审查成为必要与必然。
Except embodied to some extent in the Some Regulations Regarding the Reform of Civil and Commercial Hearings promulgated by our Supreme Court, the status and validity of our witness testimony and other 6 kinds of civil evidences have not been differentiated in our Civil Procedure Law. 我国民事诉讼法对证人证言以及其他6种民事证据的地位以及证明力的大小未作区分,仅在最高人民法院《关于民事经济审判方式改革问题的若干规定》中有所体现。
Lastly, the article repeated the current that court should support international commercial arbitration by discussed court's five actions in international commercial arbitration. 通过对法院在国际商事仲裁中五大作用的论述,论文最后再次重申法院应该更多地支持和协助国际商事仲裁这一大趋势。
I have carried on the careful studies of the relation between court and arbitration with the brand-new angle in term of arbitral litigant, and thought that it is judicial remedy for civil and commercial arbitration for court to support and supervise arbitration in fact. 因而笔者从仲裁当事人的角度,以全新的视角探讨法院和仲裁庭的关系,认为法院对仲裁的支持与监督实质上是对仲裁当事人的司法救济。
The dissertation introduces the existing situation of the annulment system and non-enforcement system over international commercial arbitration awards. Each of it includes four sides: meaning, competent court, reasons, legal consequences. 分别从含义、管辖法院、理由以及法律后果四个方面就国际商事仲裁裁决的撤销制度发展现状和国际商事仲裁裁决的不予执行制度发展现状进行了介绍。
Then the atrium space through the commercial elements and elements of composition, as we propose later in the formation of mixed commercial and prepared the way in court. 然后通过对商业中庭空间构成的要点及要素进行分析,为后面提出形成混合型的商业中庭做好了铺垫。
Although the arbitration has become a very reliable and very popular a kind of way to settle disputes, but no matter of international commercial arbitration or domestic arbitration, can avoid it with the court of the relationship between the problem. 虽然仲裁已经成为一种非常可靠且非常受欢迎的一种纠纷解决方式,但无论国际商事仲裁还是国内仲裁,都无法回避其与法院两者之间的关系的问题。
On commercial transactions, the author puts the emphasis on the definition, standard of judgment, determination of commercial transactions as well as the relationship between the conduct of commercial transactions and the country of the court. 在论述第一个主要例外商业交易时,作者重点论述了商业交易的概念、判断标准、商业交易的认定和国家商业交易行为判断标准的法律适用。
Transnational civil and commercial jurisdiction means that a court has the qualification to exercise jurisdiction over the foreign related civil and commercial cases. 跨国民商事管辖权,是指一国法院对特定的涉外民商事案件行使审判权的资格。
A commercial arbitral award, if annulled by the court in the country where it was made, is not effective at all, so it cannot be recognized and enforced in other countries either. 当一项商事仲裁裁决被做出地国法院撤销后,其效力就不存在了,在裁决做出地国和其他国家均得不到承认与执行。
Price position is too high, there is no customer-oriented and did not coordinate the overall relationship between profits and partial profits, one-sided emphasis, which seriously affect the business of tennis club development. ( 6) Lack of commercial activities and court utilization is low. 价格定位过高,没有以顾客为中心,没能协调好整体利润与部分利润的关系,片面强调部分而忽视了整体,脱离网球走社会化道路的整体要求,严重影响商业性网球俱乐部的发展。
The international commercial arbitration agreement of parties, the court, arbitration institution has the legal effect. 国际商事仲裁协议生效后会对当事人、仲裁机构、法院产生法律效力。